Friday 14 August 2009

Say hello, wave goodbye

BSM used to be owned by the RAC, which in turn is owned by Aviva (formerly Norwich Union).... Are you following me so far? The orange L-plate 'roof hat' on my car roof says 'BSM, part of the RAC' and I have a short-sleeved shirt with the same logo on the breast. Earlier this year, however, Aviva sold BSM (but not RAC) to a German company, Arques.

The other day I wrote about driving instructors acknowledging each other with a wave as they passed. Well, the same was true with the RAC; whenever I passed one of their vans the driver would raise his hand (as a friendly gesture, not as a Nazi salute you understand) and I would reciprocate. 'A bit gay' as some people I know might say, but it's 'nice to be nice' as other people I know might say. Anyway, I have noticed that, increasingly, RAC drivers no longer acknowledge me (I presume they don't acknowledge all BSM instructors rather than being something personal against me). Perhaps they feel that, now that BSM is no longer part of the same company, there is no longer a connection; and there is logic in that. The trouble is, some of their drivers DO still raise their hand. This means that as I see a RAC van approaching I don't know whether to acknowledge them or not. What a dilemma!

This morning I was driving away from Elgin (Lucy had just passed her test, first time. Well done Lucy). A RAC van came around the corner and the driver waved.... I didn't wave back!!! For the next few minutes I was wracked with guilt. Whatever must he have thought of me?! He probably thought 'miserable bloody BSM instructor - just because they are no longer part of RAC they think they are above acknowledging me'!!!

I am interested to know how some of you would tackle this tricky matter of etiquette. Should I just wave at every orange van that passes? Or maybe, when I see a RAC van I should pretend to be looking at something very important on the left side of the car.... Do Agony Aunts answer such questions, or would they prefer to concentrate on more tittilating teasers?

I know! I'll get some Tippex (other Correction Fluids are available) and, on my roof hat, I'll write ",NO LONGER" between 'BSM' and 'part of the RAC'. That'll put an end to the confusion.

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