Saturday 17 October 2009

Mirror SIGNAL Maneouvre

Drivers, do you ever use hand signals, or do you know how to use them? Learners, has your instructor taught you hand signals? Instructors, do you teach hand signals?
The reason I ask is because another instructor recently had a pupil fail their test because they did not know hand signals. A vintage car (without indicators) in front of them gave the hand signal to indicate that they were slowing down. They then gave the appropriate hand signal to indicate that they were stopping. The pupil did not understand what was happening and sat behind the stopped car, thus causing an obstruction. The examiner told him the car was parked and the pupil got a serious fault for 'Response to signs/signals - Other road users'. Apparently the pupil's instructor disagreed with decision, claiming that "No-one teaches hand signals anymore."
This information came from BSM's instructor forum, where the question was asked, 'Do you teach hand signals?' I have to confess, the number of pupils I have taught hand signals are probably in the minority. As a result of this story, I will now ensure I teach every pupil hand signals. Ok, ok, it is not every day that a vintage car stops in front of you, but there are plenty of other times when hand signals are useful: To confirm a right turn soon after indicating to overtake an obstruction; when you indicators are faulty; when approaching a pedestrian crossing to confirm to vehicles/pedestrians ahead that you are stopping; to emphasise your signal if you think your indicators may be obscured by other vehicles; and when cyclists and horseriders want to indicate their intentions are some examples.
And that is the key phrase, 'to indicate your intentions'. I'm not just talking about hand signals now. If I had a penny for every time someone failed to signal correctly I would have more money than a politician with an imaginative expense account. Your indicators are there for a reason. They are there so that every other road user knows what you are about to do. How often do you see cars turning right at roundabouts with NO right signal? And Taxis! What fear do taxi drivers have of indicating? You would think that, with all that practice, taxi drivers would be the BEST drivers on the road. Before anyone leaps to their keyboard, frothing with fury because their dad is a taxi driver and his driving is perfect, I will happily concede that there some good taxi drivers out there, just as there are some good Audi drivers.
Once you can drive, keep asking yourself 'How can I improve my driving?' Anticipation and planning are essential skills, but correct use of signals is equally important and demonstrates consideration for other road users.
Otherwise, you may find other drivers giving you hand signals that you will certainly not find in the Highway Code.

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