Friday 30 October 2009


An unusually early start this morning. Emma had a 8.40am test, so I had to set off at 6.45 to pick her up from Lossiemouth. Dark purple clouds were cut by gashes of crimson, so the dawn sky looked like a Cocteau Twins album cover.

Emma has been with me since the Spring and was hoping to pass so that she could get her new business up and running. She has started up a company, ‘Ambience’, which specialises in venue styling, for example, weddings. I am more than happy to plug her business and you should not consider any alternatives if you are in northern Scotland. Anyway, back to the driving: She will probably be happy to admit that she did not deserve to pass 1st time, but was robbed on her 2nd attempt (she crept above the speed limit on a long, clear 30mph road). Therefore, I was probably as delighted as she was when she passed this morning. Very well done Emma. Take care on the roads and good luck with your business.

Congratulations also, to Adam, who passed, 1st time, yesterday. This meant 3 passes and 1 fail this week. Adam has been particularly thorough in continually striving to improve his driving. He learned very quickly and bought himself a car to practice in, but bad habits started to creep in. Extra practice between lessons is usually beneficial, but be careful that increased confidence doesn’t become overconfidence. Anyway, I pointed out these sloppy habits to him and he instantly went back to driving as he was taught.

As always, I am really pleased when my pupils pass but, occasionally, the feelings are slightly mixed. Both Emma and Adam have been great pupils: Funny, polite, keen to learn and good company. But their success means that they are off on their own now and they don’t need me anymore (sob). Adam is keen to undertake the Pass Plus course, so it will interesting to see if his driving changes over the next few weeks (I hope not).

I have three more pupils taking their test next week so, if that week is as successful as this week has been, I will have several vacancies for new pupils. So, if you are half as funny, polite, keen and entertaining as Emma and Adam, I will now consider taking you on as a pupil.

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