Friday 11 September 2009

Play it again Sam

Yet another blog-while-waiting-for-pupil-on-test thing. This time it's Emma (on her second attempt).

I'm 43, old enough to remember when the only options, when it came to listening to music, were radio, cassette and vinyl. Don't worry, I'm not going to bang on like some old fart, saying how music was so much better then, and how sound quality isn't the same on CD or MP3. What I do miss, however, is the urge to replay the record as soon as it finished. It was such an event to buy a favourite single that I often used to play them repeatedly, until I was almost sick of them. There was even a function on record players where you could select the player to play the record again as soon as it finished. This was much harder to do with cassettes, but was very easy with CDs (although, somehow, not the same).
Over the years there have been countless singles that I have almost worn out with endless reptition: New Rose (The Damned), Bizarre Love Triangle (and many others by New Order), Oblivious (Aztec Camera), Whole of the Moon (The Waterboys), Really Stupid (The Primitives), Aikea-Guinea (Cocteau Twins), Another girl, another planet (The Only Ones) and many, many more. Whether it is a result of CDs and MP3s making music more accessible, or whether it is my tastes becoming more varied, but more diluted, I am not sure.
This morning though, I was driving to Elgin with one of my own compilation CDs playing. Waving Flags by British Sea Power was on and, when it finished, I just had to play it again, and again. I don't remember feeling like that about a track for... ooh, yonks. You can listen to it at .
Perhaps I shall continue with this. Everytime I think "Wow! That was great. I must play that again" I shall try and find a link for you.

Emma didn't pass. Such a silly reason too. She was on a longish stretch of 30mph road and she let her speed creep up to 36mph. A real shame because her driving is fine, just a lack of concentration. She will be especially disappointed because she had to wait such a long time for her 2nd test. I just hope she doesn't have to wait so long for her next attempt.

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