Monday 15 November 2010

110% Pass Rate

Who doesn't use Google these days? Does anyone use Yahoo, Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, Cuil, Lycos, Excite or Dogpile anymore? I thought I would give Microsoft's Bing a try this morning. I typed in 'Driving instructor' and added various locations and was then alarmed to see that it came up 'Martin's Driving: My pass rate plummets'. Not really what I want people to see when they are searching for a driving instructor! Of course, this was a link to a previous post where, after picking up my new car I had a run of passes (so, 100%), but one fail in seven tests dropped my pass rate (in my new car) to 86%.
So, to counter this adverse publicity I thought I had better write this post so that anyone in Lossiemouth, Elgin, Forres, Nairn, Inverness, Culloden, Ullapool, etc looking for a driving instructor might be enticed by Bing listing this post's title instead of the 'pass rate plummets' title. Yes, I know it is impossible to have a pass rate of 110%, but if footballers and talent show contestants are allowed to say they "Gave it 110%", why can't I?
I'm sticking with Google in future.

(Edit: I totted up my pupils' test results since I started Farle Driving School at the start of July and, over 36 tests, there have been 27 passes and 9 fails - A not-too-shabby pass rate of 75%. On the X Factor  this weekend Simon Cowell just made some reference to "One hundred million percent".... That would be an impressive pass rate)


  1. Becoming quite a search engine specialist just lately, aren't you Martin? :D All the best with your 110% pass rate (just don't let Watchdog know!)

  2. Good point about Watchdog Daniel. I'm not sure about 'specialist', in fact, I am often baffled by the way they list search results. If anyone out there knows how they do this I am not interested.
