Saturday 12 December 2009

Lighten up

You may (or may not) remember me being somewhat dismissive a couple of weeks ago, when Glynn cheerfully predicted (after failing his third test) that he would follow the family sequence and pass on his fourth attempt. I wasn't being dismissive of Glynn, just his logic. It just shows you what I know; I am happy to say that Glynn did pass on his 4th attempt yesterday. I was a wee bit concerned because it was -4C when I started my day.... I was very worried that the test would be cancelled. The first few tests of the day were cancelled, but, after the temperature had soared to a sweltering 3C, Glynn's test went ahead. He did his best to mess it up (with 11 minor faults), but he obviously showed enough of his obvious (to me) ability to satisfy the examiner.

Before Glynn's test I had a lesson with a new pupil, Jed, in Inverness. That went very well, but I was stunned by some of the driving I witnessed on the way to (and from) Inverness. As I have said, it was -4C and fog covered the whole area. As a result, I have decided to give you a little quiz:

1. Fog lights should be used when...
a) Visibility is less than 100m.
b) When it is raining.
c) When you are in a red light district.

2. Dipped headlights should be used ...
a) When visibility is reduced due to weather conditions and during the hours of darkness (half an hour after sunset - half an hour before sunrise).
b) When you are an Audi driver and want to show off the twinkly lights around the headlights.
c) When you are dogging.

3. Sidelights should be used ....
a) When parked at night on a road with a speed limit greater than 30mph.
b) On any roads at dusk/dawn, regardless of speed.
c) When in thick fog.

4. When driving in thick fog, you should....
a) Use dipped headlights and foglights.
b) Use headlights on full beam.
c) Use sidelights, or save energy by driving without any lights.

If you answered mostly a)s: Well-done. You are a bit of a girly swat, but you know your lights.
If you answered mostly b)s: Hmmm. You don't really give much thought to your driving and just do what you have seen others do.
If you answered mostly c)s: Tear up your driving licence and stick to public transport. Console yourself with the fact that, unbelievably, there are others like you.

You may have gathered from that little challenge that yesterday, in thick fog, I saw people driving, at 60mph, with just sidelights and, incredibly, with NO lights at all. Firstly, sidelights: What's the problem? Is it just too much effort to turn that light control one extra click? Unless driving in well-lit roads, with a maximum speed limit of 30mph, sidelights should ONLY be used when parked. And for those driving with no lights, what is wrong with you? Sure, go ahead, kill yourself and remove yourself from the genepool, but you risk taking killing (or injuring) someone else too.

Apologies for my little rant but, the next time you hear of a multi-vehicle pile up in foggy conditions, I will bet money on insufficient lighting being one of the causes. Be safe, be seen.

p.s. Well done Glynn (I like to end on a happy note).

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