Friday 24 February 2012

You can dance.

I met Madonna last night, it was for a television show. The last couple of years the BBC have had a show called 'So you think you can dance.' They have scrapped it this year, but are doing something called 'So you think you CAN'T dance' instead. The idea is to take someone who can't dance and train them to be good enough to be one of Madonna's dancers for the UK dates of her world tour.
Now, one of my family or 'friends' put my name forward. I was slightly hurt by this. It's been a few years since I used to throw caution to the wind and let loose on the dancefloor. But I do bust a few moves to James Brown, et al ,when I am cooking, and I did take one of the leading roles during the 'I got a feeling' pod dance for my brother's wedding.... Perhaps that's it... Perhaps someone from the wedding sent a video of that dance into the BBC? Anyway, I was selected to be one of the eight people to make it to the television show. Very nervous, but very exciting.
So last night we went to the studio for the first time and I met the other seven. Most of them seem very easy to get on with, and I'm surprised that not all are younger than me. Then Madonna came in. We weren't expecting that. She was very personable, charming and beguiling. She is also surprisingly informal, yet still very professional.
We were going to take it in turns to dance in front of her - VERY scary. We had to wait in a waiting room with a table overflowing with buffet food - which I thought very odd. Anyway, by the time it was my turn, Madonna had gone home and Louis Spence had taken her place. I immediately walked out. And then I woke up.
Very weird. What was particularly weird about the dream was how unbelievably clear and detailed it was. I remember production staff trying different footwear on me; I remember different foods on the buffet table; and I remember the look on Louis Spence's face when I walked through the door.
Sorry. There are few things more boring than other people's dreams, but I still can't get over how real it was. Worrying.
Fortunately the rest of my week was far less camp. In fact, it was a very full-on week, as far as lessons and tests were concerned. Congratulations to Mhairi, Fergus and James, who all passed their at the first attempt this week. Mhairi was supposed to have taken her test last December and was understandably disappointed when it was cancelled due to snow. She rebooked for January but had to cancel that one due to school exams. But, to her credit, she didn't give up on her lessons and it paid off when she passed with just one minor error. An excellent drive.
 Congratulations also to Marcus, who passed his test this week. He was so close to passing when he took his first test, but signalled too late on a 60mph road = 1 serious fault.  A much better feeling for him after this week's test.
The week finished of with some very exciting news..... But I can't tell you about it just yet.... Maybe next week.
Sweet dreams.


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