Tuesday 9 March 2010

Oi! Get orrff moi blog.

Well that was annoying. For the last few days, whenever I tried to access this site, it redirected me to some random, unrelated site. It turned out that, in trying to provide you with 'stress-relief paintball', this enabled some bottom-holes to redirect viewers to their own site. Scandalous! Anyway, it all seems to be okay now, so apologies for the interruption.
Too tired to write anything else for the moment, so I will leave you with this stunning photo of morning rush hour on the Kessock Bridge, Inverness, taken by my colleague, Anne, from her house in North Kessock.


  1. Beautiful! Hope work is going well for you..very interesting reading- keep it up, follow me too!

  2. Hello Sabina. I do follow your blog (and your tweets) and it is good to hear that you are feeling better about your training. Keep it up as it is worth it in the end.
    Good luck with the parachute jump too. I used to go parachuting and it is the BEST sensation. See http://martinsdriving.blogspot.com/2009/10/gravity-sucks.html.
