Friday 19 February 2010

Top Tip for Audi drivers.

Anyone read Viz-Top-Tips? I have one I am thinking of sending in: 'Audi drivers - Stop people assuming you are a complete knobhead (a word now back in vogue thanks to Peter Kay/Liam Gallagher) by driving with consideration for other drivers.'
Heading west from Elgin, at 10.45 this morning, I noticed a black Audi approaching quickly from behind on the 60mph A96. I'm doing bang on 60. I just knew he was going to sit far too close behind me, when the oncoming traffic meant that he could not overtake. Coming into Alves, I brought my speed down to 40mph (the village speed limit) and he is getting frighteningly close. Coming out of Alves, I begin to increase my speed, watching him very carefully. An uphill, left-hand bend means that the view of the road ahead is limited to maybe 60 metres. He decides that is enough room to overtake, just as an oncoming car comes around the bend. He is still slightly behind me, so I cannot brake, so he has to brake hard and pull back in behind me. For the next 15 minutes he follows sheepishly at a more reasonable distance. There is a steady flow of traffic ahead, and I am keeping up with the flow, so I presumed he finally realised that overtaking would be futile. Then, just as I am approaching my turn, he takes another big risk to overtake and, of course, has to then brake to avoid the car ahead of me. I am glad to turn off, 30 seconds later, and not have to worry about this microbe (black Audi A3 estate, reg SW08GPF) any more.
I know it is a huge generalisation, but, where it once used to be BMW drivers, it now seems to be mainly Audi drivers that think they own the road. So, if you are an Audi driver - especially if you live within 100 miles of Inverness - do us all a favour and prove me wrong by driving with care, consideration and thought. Oh, and the odd indicator would be nice too.

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