Tuesday 5 April 2011

It never rains but it pours

Taking the title of this post literally, I watch with trepidation the forecast for the West Highlands; 24 hours of heavy rain with probable flooding. I have an 8.40am test tomorrow morning (meaning a 6.30am start), then three very full days of very soggy lessons on the west coast. Such a shame as it is 18C and very pleasant sunshine here in Elgin at the moment, where I am enjoying an extended lunch-break.

Last week I had 4 new pupils booked and, with a full diary, I was looking forward to the week. Silly me.....
On Thursday, one of the new pupils cancelled at the last minute. This was an omen of the next 24 hours to come. Later in the day I went to meet another new pupil. Her husband had booked her lesson but, when I got there, she decided she did not want a lesson at that moment, but wanted me to help her booking her theory test. Two wasted gaps in my diary.
Potholes are a major problem. Not just in Highlands and Moray, but all over the uk. I teach my pupils to look out for them and avoid them if it is safe to do so. Obvious stuff really, but sometimes my pupils seem oblivious to the fact that they are heading towards one. Not only do they risk damage to my car, but they also risk a loss of control.
The A835 between Inverness and the far NW Highlands has some dreadful potholes. Some are on bends, which pose a particular risk to control. I drive that road several times each week, so I know which stretches of road are particularly bad, but I got badly caught out last Thursday.
Heading home from Ullapool, after a long, lesson-filled day and heavy rain left some large puddles. I avoid the large puddles where it is safe to do so, but oncoming traffic meant I could not avoid one particular puddle. WHAM! I was shocked at the impact. There had obviously been a nasty pothole beneath the water. This was about 15 miles from Ullapool (64 miles from home) and nothing but mountains, rivers, waterfalls and deer for the next 20 miles. I knew there was a lay-by a few miles ahead but, before I had even got there the increasing vibration told me I had a flat tyre. Car manufacturers make sure you are prepared for such an event by providing a spare wheel. Worryingly, it seems to be increasingly common for cars to be 'equipped' with 'space-saver' wheels or, even worse, tyre-inflation kits. Mine has a tyre-inflation kit.
This pathetic piece of equipment is an electric pump, with a canister of foam that is supposed to seal the puncture. Once repaired, you are then advised to drive at a maximum of 50mph to the nearest garage. The nearest garage was 45 miles away and certainly would not be open at 8pm. I would have to hobble home and try to get it repaired first thing the next morning (when I had a full schedule of lessons booked).
It got worse. The puncture was too big for the foam to seal properly so, after I had repaired and inflated the tyre, it was only a couple of miles before I felt the tell-tale vibration again. Merde! (Excuse my French). I had no choice but to call the recovery service, only to find that my car-lease, for some completely unfathomable reason did not cover me (when it quite clearly says on my contract that it does). I spent the next half-an-hour inflating the tyre, driving for a few miles, inflating the tyre, driving for a few miles etc, until the tyre gave up and would not even inflate. No choice but for Jane to drive the 40 miles to collect me. Neither of us were happy.
I got the tyre replaced and the wheel repaired (the whack had been big enough to dent the wheel rim) the next day, but I had had to cancel six hours of lessons. Even less happy.

That evening, I switched on my laptop to update my records and check my emails. Nothing, just an error message saying that there was a fault and the computer could not fix it. Neither could the man from the computer shop the next day. "It is a common problem on Compaqs and Hewlett Packards," he told me. "Not a lot you can do if it is out of warranty." (it is).

Thus, I am in Elgin library, foresaking the wonderful weather outside, checking my emails, updating this blog and looking for a new laptop. It may be that I have to use the library computers to update this blog for a while, but the computer sessions are time-limited, so my posts will probably be shorter than usu

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