Wednesday 7 April 2010

Martin's Dining

Inverness, for its size, is quite spoiled when it comes to the number of decent places to eat. Not only that, but there is lots of good value too. You can stroll along the River Ness and find many places that offer high quality two-course lunches for £6 - £10. Equally, you can spend (a lot) more and get the most fantastic multi-course dinners. On a couple of occasions Jane and I have treated ourselves to the ten-course tasting menu at ‘Abstract’, overlooking the River Ness. Even at £70 per person (including wine tasting), it was still good value.
My new office is right next to the restaurant at Bunchrew House Hotel and shares the glorious view of the mountains beyond the Beauly Firth. They have recently introduced a 2-course lunch for £10, which is excellent. I had dinner there the other day and it was a real treat. The early evening sunshine, bouncing off the water reflected off the silver cutlery and made the crystal glasses sparkle; while white linen tablecloths and coral roses on each table completed the picture. The Achiltibuie smoked roasted salmon, wrapped in Cromarty smoked trout with a quenelle of salmon mousse and golden mango dressing, followed by Loin of Galloway lamb wrapped in Parma ham, with baby vegetables and Earl Grey sauce wasn’t bad either. The lamb was just the best I have ever tasted.
As a driving instructor, it is all too easy to be so eager to fill your diary that you don’t set aside time to take a decent break. I am as guilty of that as anyone. Occasionally I plan ahead and prepare a varied packed lunch, but usually it is a case of grabbing a supermarket sandwich and an espresso as I go from one lesson to another. Not good. And not good value either. It is quite scary when you add up what is spent on ‘snacks’ over a whole year.
Time to head off to my next lesson now, then I will stop at the fishmongers on the way home to find something tasty for tea.
I might have to stop at a petrol station to buy a Yorkie bar on the way.

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