Friday, 2 April 2010


I've been thinking about the Toyota Yaris driver, the white van drivers, the Audi drivers and all the other ..... um........ how can I put this........... arseholes..... that drive around with such selfish disregard for other road users.
Before BSM changed to the Fiats, we used to have bright orange learner driver roof hats ('toblerones'), which clearly displayed that the car was being driven by a learner driver - SOMEONE WHO IS INEXPERIENCED in driving and dealing with such lowlife as mentioned above. So when BSM changed to the Fiats and it was announced that the roof hats were going, there was concern among some BSM instructors that having 2 standard 'L'-plates at each end of the car would not be visual enough. That maybe so, but then, to some following drivers, a 2 metre flashing neon 'L'-plate would still not be effective enough.
Fortunately, Fiat have come up with the solution......
The new, limited edition Fiat 500 Pink. Perhaps BSM should change from the current whites, greys and blacks to the 500 Pink. The possibility of permanent damage to the retina would surely be a deterent from following such a car too closely.
Some people have said that this Fiat 500 no longer looks like a 'Noddy car', it looks more like a 'Barbie car'. But they are incorrect. Barbie's is white.


  1. I think Barbie missed out on the limited Edition pink one! Lol this made me laugh Martin!

  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    is it wrong that I absolutely love that car and want to have it and cuddle it at night?

